
An SWDataAction is a function that will put its result when evaluated on a SWDataNetwork.

- Methods -

*new ( key, network, func )
Create a new SWDataAction, which will put its results on the network with the nodeID id. The func is the function that will be evaluated, and which has to return an array as its result.
function ( )
The function to be evaluated. It will be evaluated with the arguments given to it, and the settings that are stored in the SWDataAction instance.
settings ( )
settings_ ( )
The settings with which the function will be evaluated.
set ( key, val )
Set one key within the settings.
value ( args )
Evaluate the function.
copy ( newid )
Make a copy of the SWDataAction to a new key. That SWDataAction will have the same settings, function and network, but post its result to a different nodeID.
network ( )
The network to which the node belongs.
id ( )
The id of the node within the network.
initFunction ( func )
Initialize the function. This method is overloaded in subclasses.

- Subclasses -

These are specific actions that are preprogrammed by overloading the initFunction method.

Interprets the incoming data as bytes, and decodes these into 8 on/off values per byte.
Geometrical leak function. Has a reset method to reset the settings.
Linear leak function. Has a reset method to reset the settings.

Marije Baalman 2009-03-16