
These classes implement the client representation in the OSC interface. It is used internally in the class SWDataNetworkOSC. This class rarely needs to be used directly.

- Methods -

*new ( address )
Create a new OSC client with the given address.
key ( )
key_ ( )
Human readable name for the client.
addr ( )
The NetAddr (IP address and port) of this client.
missedPongs ( )
Amount of missed pongs.
subscriptions ( )
Nodes and slots to which this client is subscribed.
setters ( )
Nodes of which this client is the setter.
nodeSubs ( )
Nodes to which this client is subscribed.
slotSubs ( )
Slots to which this client is subscribed.
slotNodesSubs ( )
Slots to which this client is subscribed, organised by nodes.
ping ( )
Send a ping
pong ( )
Received a pong, so reset the missedPongs

- private methods to send out data and information to client -

addSetter ( node )
setterQuery ( )
checkForSetter ( node )
subscriptionQuery ( )
subscribeNode ( id )
subscribeSlot ( id1, id2 )
unsubscribeNode ( id )
unsubscribeSlot ( id1, id2 )
newExpected ( node )
newNode ( node )
newSlot ( slot )
nodeRemoved ( id )
sendDataNode ( node )
sendData ( id, data )
--- old version ---

Marije Baalman 2009-03-16