SuperCollider Help -Soundscape


Inherits from: Object

Soundscape is an abstract class that collects models (each with a synthDef for spatialization) for simulating a soundscape exploration. Right now, the proposed model is developed in the CartoonModel subclass. Here I describe just the variable and methods that are designed to be common to each model. For more details see CartoonModel.

See also: CartoonModel

Creation / Class Methods

*new (runner, geoListener, aServer)

Soundscape is a Dependant of Runner and GeoListener, it receives all the sound object sequencing messages coming from Runner and it monitors the GeoListener interaction updates. aServer is usefull to pass the server you want SuperCollider to use. Default is localhost, but you could need internal

Accessing Instance and Class Variables


sampleplaying is an IdentityDictionary, indexing to all the synths that are playing, allowing the method modifplay to interact with them when the GeoListener send an update message.

update (theChanged, theChanger, more)

Listen upcoming updates from Runner and GeoListener, if the Changer is the Runner (that activates a new vertex playing), this.update calls the method Instead, if the Changer is GeoListener (a movement), this.update call the method modifplay. Both play and modifplay are overwritten in the Soundscape subclasses.


To be overwritten by subclasses.


To be overwritten by subclasses.

play (more)

To be overwritten by subclasses.

modifplay (more)

To be overwritten by subclasses.