
A Class to automatically start and connect the JACK Meterbridge to the SC outputs.
(note: you need to have the program "meterbridge" installed on your system)

Just call


channels : an array of SC output channels you want to get connected.
meter_type : type of meter
reflevel : reference level for the meter (can normally be left to default option)
prepend : prepend to the command "meterbridge", e.g. "/my/installation/location/", so that meterbridge gets called with "/my/installation/location/meterbridge".
io : can be either 'out', 'in' or 'inout'. In the last case, channels has to be a two element array with the first entry for output and the second entry for input channels to monitor.

Note that to stop the meterbridge, you need to close its window. There is no method provided to do this from SC.

Other methods:


sets the prepend, so that you do not have to call it for the instantation

gives the info output of meterbridge if called with no arguments

gives the possible types

Example (this opens a 2 channel digital peak meter bridge, connected to channels 0 and 1 of SC):

SCJMeterBridge( [0,1], "dpm" );

Convenience method:

s = Server.default;