NdefPreset storing and morphing between presets for NodeProxies / Ndefs.

superclass: ProxyPreset.


- write a xfade method for automated crossfades

- write tests and help files for TdefPreset and PdefPreset. 

Creation / Class Methods

*new (proxy, settings) make a preset for an Ndef or nodeproxy

proxy - the nodeproxy.

settings - settings to use with the preset, if any.

settings are typically stored to disk next to the patch itself.

// make an Ndef



Spec.add(\dens, [1, 1000, \exp]);

Spec.add(\ring, [0.0001, 100, \exp]);

a = Ndef(\a, { |freq=300, dens=10, ring = 0.03, amp= 0.25| 

Ringz.ar(Dust.ar(dens ! 2, (1/dens.max(1)).sqrt * amp), (freq * [1.01, 0.99]).lag(0.2), ring) 


// make a preset for Ndef(\a)

// - stored by the Ndef's name in NdefPreset.all

z = NdefPreset(Ndef(\a));

w = Window("NdefPreset test", Rect(200, 200, 420, 250)).front;


// a gui for the NdefPreset

g = ProxyPresetGui(z, parent: w);

// and one for the Ndef

b = NdefGui(a, 8, parent: w);


*all where all NdefPreset instances are stored by name.

name is usually inferred from the proxy. 



Instance Variables

proxy the Ndef for which settings are stored.


settings the settings stored for the Ndef.


( // add 3 settings to the list

a.set(\freq, 1000, \dens, 10, \amp, 0.15, \ring, 0.1);


a.set(\freq, 1500, \dens, 30, \amp, 0.25, \ring, 0.05);


a.set(\freq, 2500, \dens, 30, \ring, 0.02, \amp, 0.1);



// these are all the settings now:

z.settings.printcsAll; "";

morphVal the current setting of the interpolation


Instance Methods

Handling settings:



addSet (name, values, toDisk) add one setting, usually the proxy's current setting.

name - the name under which to add. default is "set1", "set2", etc.

values - the name/value pairs to store. if nil, the current proxy values are stored.

toDisk - a flag whether to write settings to disk as well.

z.addSet(\blong, [\freq, 666]);

addSettings (list) add a list of settings. 

list - list of name/value pairs.

z.addSettings([\blong -> [\freq, 666], \kling -> [\freq, 999]]);

removeSet (name) remove a setting by name

name - Explanation of name. Default value is nil. Other information.

// inline example


removeSettings (names)

Short prose description of method.

names - Explanation of names. Default value is nil. Other information.

z.removeSettings([\kling, \blong]);

storeDialog (name) convenience method to add setting by name.


deleteDialog (name) convenience method to remove settings


currSet the currently active setting. A list of [[name, value], [name, value] ... ].




targSet a second setting used for interpolation.





z.stepCurr(1); // step thru presets, up or down by increment

z.stepCurr(-1); // one down


z.stepTarg(1); // step thru presets, up or down by increment

z.stepTarg(-1); // one down

Finding settings by name or index: 

keys, getIndex, getSet

currIndex, targIndex






Synching from/to the proxy

getFromProxy ask the proxy for its current settings.


currFromProxy set the presets current setting from the proxy's setting.


setProxy (name) set the proxy from a named setting


Randomizing presets 


// morphing and randomizing settings require specs for all params!

Spec.add(\dens, [1, 1000, \exp]);

Spec.add(\ring, [0.0001, 100, \exp]);


randSet (rand, startSet, except)

Generate a more or less randomized setting based on a named setting

rand - By how much to randomize Default value is 0.25, a qurter of the spec range. 

startSet - which set to vary. by default this is currSet.

except - keys to except from variation.

// except not working yet

z.randSet(0.1, \ada, [\ring]);

setRand (rand, startSet, except)

Randomize a setting by some amount, and make it current.

rand -  how much to vary (0.0 is no change, 1.0 is full range)

startSet - which set to start with

except - which keys not to vary


someRand (rand, ratio)

randomize some of the named values by some amount

rand - how much to vary the values (from 0.0 to 1.0)

ratio - which percentage (from 0.0 to 1.0) of the values to vary.

z.someRand(0.5, 0.5)

Morphing between presets:

prepMorph used internally.

morph (val, name1, name2, mapped) // morph between two named setting by a blend value.

blend - blend value between 0 and 1 - 0.0 is all name1, 1.0 is all name2

name1 - the left setting

name2 - the right setting

mapped - a flag whether to interpolate by mapping/unmapping thru specs. 

requires specs to be globally or locally present.

// creates that setting, and sets proxy

z.morph(0.0, \ada, \coco);

z.morph(0.1, \ada, \coco);

z.morph(0.3, \ada, \coco);

z.morph(0.5, \ada, \coco);

z.morph(1.0, \ada, \coco);

z.morph(0.5, \ada, \coco);

xfadeTo (target, dur)

Short prose description of method.

target - Explanation of target. Default value is nil. Other information.

dur - Explanation of dur. Default value is nil. Other information.

// inline example

z.xfadeTo(\ada, 2);

z.xfadeTo(\coco, 10);

z.xfadeTo(\bebe, 2);

blend (blend, name1, name2, mapped) create a blend between settings name1 and name2

blend - blend value between 0 and 1 - 0.0 is all name1, 1.0 is all name2

name1 - the left setting

name2 - the right setting

mapped - a flag whether to interpolate by mapping/unmapping thru specs. 

requires specs to be globally or locally present.

// just creates that setting, does not set proxy

z.blend(0.5, \ada, \coco);

/////////////////// TO BE CONTINUED ////////////////

// blendSets (blend, set1, set2)


// Short prose description of method.

// blend - Explanation of blend. Default value is 0.500000. Other information.

// set1 - Explanation of set1. Default value is nil. Other information.

// set2 - Explanation of set2. Default value is nil. Other information.


// // inline example

// g = ProxyPreset.blendSets;

// g.doSomething; // explanation

// g.cleanUpMethod;


// specs


// Explanation including the type of specs and a link to its help file.

// Default value is nil.


// morphDur


// Explanation including the type of morphDur and a link to its help file.

// Default value is nil.


// morphTask


// Explanation including the type of morphTask and a link to its help file.

// Default value is nil.


// dt


// Explanation including the type of dt and a link to its help file.

// Default value is nil.



// mapSet (set)


// Short prose description of method.

// set - Explanation of set. Default value is nil. Other information.


// // inline example

// g = ProxyPreset.mapSet;

// g.doSomething; // explanation

// g.cleanUpMethod;



// unmapSet (set)


// Short prose description of method.

// set - Explanation of set. Default value is nil. Other information.


// // inline example

// g = ProxyPreset.unmapSet;

// g.doSomething; // explanation

// g.cleanUpMethod;


// z.prepMorph;


//z.morphVal = 0.8;


// // morph from one to the other:

//fork { 20.do { |i| 0.1.wait; z.morph(i + 1/ 20, \curr, \ada) } };










//z.randSet(rand: 0.01); // make a randomized setting

//z.setRand(rand: 0.1, startSet: \curr); // vary based on a given set;

//z.setRand(rand: 0.1, startSet: \set1, except: [\amp]); // dont change amp



///* interpolation tests:


// // unmap a set

//x = z.unmapSet(z.getSet(\bebe).value);


// // unmap a second set

//y = z.unmapSet(z.getSet(\coco).value);


// // does not check for names yet!

//z.blendSets(0.5, x, y);


//z.blend(0.2, \bebe, \coco);

//a.set(*z.blend(1.0.rand, \bebe, \coco).flat);


// // interpolate

//fork { 20.do { |i| 0.1.wait; a.set(*z.blend(i + 1/ 20, \bebe, \coco).flat) } };


//fork { 20.do { |i| 0.1.wait; z.morph(i + 1/ 20, \coco, \bebe) } };






// Storing settings to disk:


// storePath_(arg1)

// storePath


// Explanation including the type of storePath and a link to its help file.

// Default value is nil.


// setPath (name)


// Short prose description of method.

// name - Explanation of name. Default value is nil. Other information.


// // inline example

// g = ProxyPreset.setPath;

// g.doSomething; // explanation

// g.cleanUpMethod;



// presetPath (name)


// Short prose description of method.

// name - Explanation of name. Default value is nil. Other information.


// // inline example

// g = ProxyPreset.presetPath;

// g.doSomething; // explanation

// g.cleanUpMethod;



// loadSettings (path, clear)


// Short prose description of method.

// path - Explanation of path. Default value is nil. Other information.

// clear - Explanation of clear. Default value is false. Other information.


// // inline example

// g = ProxyPreset.loadSettings;

// g.doSomething; // explanation

// g.cleanUpMethod;



// writeSettings (path, overwrite)


// Short prose description of method.

// path - Explanation of path. Default value is nil. Other information.

// overwrite - Explanation of overwrite. Default value is false. Other information.


// // inline example

// g = ProxyPreset.writeSettings;

// g.doSomething; // explanation

// g.cleanUpMethod;


// storeToDisk


// Explanation including the type of storeToDisk and a link to its help file.

// Default value is nil.