Manta - normalizing

You can measure your own max controller values easily with this patch:


q = q ? ();

q.maxima = 1 ! 53;


o = OSCresponderNode(nil, '/manta/value', { |t, r, msg| msg.postln }).add;

o.action = { |t, r, msg| var key = msg[1], val = msg[3]; 

[key, val].postln; q[\maxima].put(key, q[\maxima][key].max(val)) 



// now measure maxima: ... touch every pad until it has maxed out ... 

// then, read your maxima: 


// for my manta, the values are: 

q.maxima = [ 1, 177, 184, 187, 188, 192, 192, 183, 180, 188, 193, 197, 200, 201, 201, 193, 188, 192, 197, 202, 205, 205, 204, 199, 191, 201, 207, 210, 215, 215, 214, 209, 200, 204, 210, 215, 219, 212, 218, 212, 203, 211, 215, 221, 226, 222, 227, 221, 213, 219, 199, 199, 206 ];

then, add your own defaultPadMaxima as an extension: 

// --- file

+ Manta2 { 

defaultPadMaxima { 

// measured with AdC' Manta.

^[ 1, 

177, 184, 187, 188, 192, 192, 183, 180, 

188, 193, 197, 200, 201, 201, 193, 188, 

192, 197, 202, 205, 205, 204, 199, 191, 

201, 207, 210, 215, 215, 214, 209, 200, 

204, 210, 215, 219, 212, 218, 212, 203, 

211, 215, 221, 226, 222, 227, 221, 213, 

219, 199, 199, 206 




// ---