GetMouseX remote and local sclang side cursor position (horizontal)

superclass: Object

*new(minval, maxval, warp, lag, server)

minval, maxval range between left and right end of screen

warp mapping curve. 0 is linear, 1 is exponential (for freq or times e.g)

alternative: 'linear', 'exponential'

lag lag factor to dezipper cursor movement. (Default 0.2)

server the remote or local server which to listen to (default: Server.default)

value return the current value

stop stop updating

run start updating

rate_(val) set update rate


action_(func) action that is evaluated when an update happens

see also: GetMouseY MouseY, MouseX

// example



a = GetMouseX(20, 40);

b = GetMouseY(300, 400);

fork { loop { 0.1.wait; [a.value, b.value].postln } }
