SynthDefStorage stores all synthDefs in a dict
andrea valle, jan 2010
Inherits from: Object
This class is intended as a way to store every synthDef created, in order to access it without constraints (e.g. by using memStore, store, and SynthDesc constructs).
It is required in order to use SynthDefAutogui.
Some Important Issues Regarding SynthDefStorage
You have not to use it directly. By modifying the buld construct in SynthDef, the class keep tracks of all the synthDefs created, so that they can be accessed by the classvar synthDefDict.
If you use another app to send defs to server, these will not be registered (but you won't...).
Accessing Instance and Class Variables
A Dictionary associating a name to an array containing the related SynthDef, and the ugenGraphFunction as a string.
// the dictionary of your defs
SynthDefStorage.synthDefDict ;
// to see the names of all defs{|k| k.postln} ;
// to see names and defs{|d| [d[0].name, d[1]].postln} ;