
One band of a Regalia-Mitra EQ filter. -- H. James Harkins, jamshark70@dewdrop-world.net

*new(type = \eq, freq = 440, k = 1, rq = 1, numChannels = 1, sr = 44100) 

type: \eq -- standard boost/cut filter

\hishelf -- high shelving

\loshelf -- low shelving

freq: Center frequency or transition frequency. 

k: gain factor. One is the unity (no change), 0 is -inf (maximum cut). Use .dbamp to convert decibels to the scaling factor. Generally k should be positive. 

rq: reciprocal of q. 

numChannels: how many channels do you need? The predefined synthdefs support one and two channels; if you need more, follow the templates in EQ synthdefs.rtf. 

*newFromArray(a, numChan, sr) 

Used by MultiEQ. a contains [type, freq, k, rq]. 

play(target, bus, addAction, amp = 1) 

Plays the EQ band on the server. If the EQ synth already exists, it will be moved relative to the (new) target supplied.

target: if target is a group, the default action will be addToTail. If target is a synth, the default action will be changed to addAfter. If target is a MixerChannel, the target will be changed to the MixerChannel's effects group, and the bus will automatically be set to the MixerChannel bus. MixerChannel is therefore the easiest kind of target to use. 

bus: the EQ band will read the signal from this bus and replace the signal with the processed signal (ReplaceOut). 

addAction: as in Synth. Usually you don't need to specify this. 

amp: volume adjustment. 


Removes the EQ band from the server. 






Updates the filter coefficients on the server.