
Part of wslib

see also: SVG, SVGFile

superclass : SVGObject

The SVGPolyLine contains data for a segmented line. 

SVGPolyLine is a superclass of SVGPolygon


SVGPolyLine ( points, name, strokeColor, fillColor, strokeWidth, transform )

creates a new object with the instance variables as described below and in the SVGObject helpfile

instance variables


an Array with Point objects, describing the segments of the line

strokeColor, fillColor

colors for stroke and fill. These can be 

a Color

a String or Symbol with a color name ( e.g. "light_blue" or "#0000FF" )

"none" or nil


defaults to 1.

SVGPolyLine( { Point.rand( 400, 400 ) } ! 10,  "my polyline", "red", "none", 2 ).plot;

instance methods

add ( point ), addAll ( pointArray )

add an object or an Array of objects to the group

++ anSVGPolyLine

Concatenate the points of 2 SVGPolyLines to the first SVGPolyLine.

at ( index ), copySeries ( first, second, last ), put (index, item )

calls .at and copySeries on points, also to provide compatibility with the ..[..] syntax in SC

SVGPolyLine( { Point.rand( 400, 400 ) } ! 10 )[1]


returns an array containing arrays with x and y values

SVGPolyLine( { Point.rand( 400, 400 ) } ! 5 ).asXYArray;