Part of wslib

see also: SVG, SVGFile

superclass : SVGObject

related classes : SVGTSpan, AvailableFonts

The SVGText object contains data text, its printing location, font and color.

an SVGText object can hold Strings and SVGTSpan objects.


SVGText ( string, x, y, fontName, fontSize, fillColor, dx, dy, name, transform )

creates a new object with the instance variables as described below and in the SVGObject helpfile

string : a String with the text to be included, or an array of strings and SVGTSpan objects

instance variables


string actually doesn't hold a String, it is an array of Strings and SVGTSpan objects.

x, y

x,y location where the string is printed. If these are arrays each char of the string gets printed at the next position

please note: Adobe Illustrator® leaves these open (nil) and uses the transform element (an SVGTransform) for the placement of the text in saved files.

SVGText( "bumpy text", 100, {10.rand + 100}!6, fontSize: 24 ).plot; // array for y

dx, dy

relative x,y location where the string is printed. Can also be array


name of the font. If the fontName is nil, plotting will happen with Font( "Helvetica", 12 )


size of the font in pt


(getter only) boolean states wether the provided font is available on the current system.

This is checked at creation, but can also be checked by hand using checkFont. 

If the fontName is nil, fontFound will be true.


color of the text. This can be 

a Color

a String or Symbol with a color name ( e.g. "light_blue" or "#0000FF" )

"none" or nil

SVGText( "bit of text", 100, 100, "Courier", 24, "olive", 0,0, "my text" ).plot;


the anchor states where the x/y location is relative to the string

SVGText only supports the default anchor ('start') for plotting, and will warn if another anchor is found

instance methods


returns one string with the full text (including that from SVGTSpan objects).

fullString_ ( newString )

replaces the string contents by a new String

font, font_ ( aFont )

get or set the font as a regular Font object.


checks if the font is available using AvailableFonts. If not it posts a message. 

This sets the fontFound variable.

++ anSVGText

Concatenate the strings of two SVGText attributes, or if the other is a String, add it to the string.

Creates a new SVGText object

at ( index ), copySeries ( first, second, last )

calls .at and copySeries on string, also to provide compatibility with the ..[..] syntax in SC