CtkAudio allocate an audio bus
Part of the CompositionToolKit (Ctk) system. See Ctk help for more details
Class Methods
*new(numChans, bus, server) -
numChans- the number of channels to allocate. Defaults to 1.
bus - the bus id to write values to. Defaults to nil, where an id will be allocated for you.
server - and instance of Server to allocate the audio bus from. Defaults to Server.default.
bus - returns the id of the CtkAudio bus.
free - returns the bus id to the allocation pool.
Unlike CtkControl, CtkAudio object can be passed in straight to a CtkNotes arg. The bus id will be extracted for you.
s = Server.internal.boot;
Server.default = s;
var pnotes, group, noisesynth, noisebus, filtbus, ampsynth, ampbus, task, env;
var cond;
cond = Condition.new;
pnotes = CtkProtoNotes(
SynthDef(\noise, {arg outbus;
Out.ar(outbus, WhiteNoise.ar(1));
SynthDef(\filts, {arg outbus, inbus, dur, freq, amp;
var env, envgen, src;
env = Control.names([\env]).kr(Env.newClear(8));
envgen = EnvGen.kr(env, timeScale: dur, doneAction: 2);
src = BPF.ar(In.ar(inbus), freq, 0.01);
Out.ar(outbus, Pan2.ar(src * envgen * amp, Rand(-1.0, 1.0)));
SynthDef(\dels, {arg inbus, deltime, dur, amp;
var env, envgen, src;
env = Control.names([\env]).kr(Env.newClear(8));
envgen = EnvGen.kr(env, timeScale: dur, doneAction: 2);
src = CombN.ar(In.ar(inbus, 2), deltime, [deltime, Rand.new(0.01, deltime)]);
Out.ar(0, src * envgen * amp);
SynthDef(\controlenv, {arg gate = 1, outbus;
var env;
env = Control.names([\env]).kr(Env.newClear(8));
Out.kr(outbus, EnvGen.kr(env, gate));
env = Env([0, 1, 0], [1, 4], [3, -4], 1);
group = CtkGroup.play;
noisebus = CtkAudio.new; // allocate an audio bus to route noise
filtbus = CtkAudio.new(2); // sends stereo
ampbus = CtkControl.new; // for global amp control
noisesynth = pnotes[\noise].new(addAction: \head, target: group)
.outbus_(noisebus) // a CtkAudio! No need to call .bus
ampsynth = pnotes[\controlenv].new(addAction: \head, target: group)
.outbus_(ampbus.bus) // a CtkControl... need to call .bus otherwise, it will map!
task = Task({
var reltime, dur;
reltime = env.releaseTime;
dur = 10;
// schedule the release of the global envelope
SystemClock.sched(dur - reltime, {
// schedule the release of the Task
SystemClock.sched(dur, {
// place the filter notes after the noisesynth
pnotes[\filts].new(addAction: \after, target: noisesynth)
.outbus_(filtbus) // route output for the delays
.inbus_(noisebus) // read in the noisebus
.env_(Env([0, 1, 0], [0.5, 0.5], \sin))
pnotes[\dels].new(addAction: \tail, target: group)
.inbus_(filtbus) // read in the filtered noise
.env_(Env([0, 1, 0], [0.5, 0.5], \sin))
.amp_(ampbus) // don't call .bus here... it will map the arg for you
Examples that populate an instance of CtkScore. The CtkScore can then be rendered in NRT, played or saved as a file. See CtkScore for more examples.
var pnotes, group, noisesynth, noisebus, filtbus, ampsynth, ampbus, task, env;
var score, now;
score = CtkScore.new;
pnotes = CtkProtoNotes(
SynthDef(\noise, {arg outbus;
Out.ar(outbus, WhiteNoise.ar(1));
SynthDef(\filts, {arg outbus, inbus, dur, freq, amp;
var env, envgen, src;
env = Control.names([\env]).kr(Env.newClear(8));
envgen = EnvGen.kr(env, timeScale: dur, doneAction: 2);
src = BPF.ar(In.ar(inbus), freq, 0.01);
Out.ar(outbus, Pan2.ar(src * envgen * amp, Rand(-1.0, 1.0)));
SynthDef(\dels, {arg inbus, deltime, dur, amp;
var env, envgen, src;
env = Control.names([\env]).kr(Env.newClear(8));
envgen = EnvGen.kr(env, timeScale: dur, doneAction: 2);
src = CombN.ar(In.ar(inbus, 2), deltime, [deltime, Rand.new(0.01, deltime)]);
Out.ar(0, src * envgen * amp);
SynthDef(\controlenv, {arg gate = 1, outbus;
var env;
env = Control.names([\env]).kr(Env.newClear(8));
Out.kr(outbus, EnvGen.kr(env, gate));
env = Env([0, 1, 0], [1, 4], [3, -4], 1);
group = CtkGroup.new.addTo(score);
noisebus = CtkAudio.new; // allocate an audio bus to route noise
filtbus = CtkAudio.new(2); // sends stereo
ampbus = CtkControl.new; // for global amp control
noisesynth = pnotes[\noise].new(0.1, addAction: \head, target: group)
.outbus_(noisebus) // a CtkAudio! No need to call .bus
ampsynth = pnotes[\controlenv].new(1.0, 10, addAction: \head, target: group)
.outbus_(ampbus.bus) // a CtkControl... need to call .bus!
.release(10 - env.releaseTime)
now = 0.0;
// place the filter notes after the noisesynth
pnotes[\filts].new(1.0 + now, addAction: \after, target: noisesynth)
.outbus_(filtbus) // route output for the delays
.inbus_(noisebus) // read in the noisebus
.env_(Env([0, 1, 0], [0.5, 0.5], \sin))
pnotes[\dels].new(1.0 + now, addAction: \tail, target: group)
.inbus_(filtbus) // read in the filtered noise
.env_(Env([0, 1, 0], [0.5, 0.5], \sin))
.amp_(ampbus) // don't call .bus here... it will map the arg for you
now = now + 0.5;
now < 10;
// uncomment to play the CtkScore you have created
// uncomment to write the score to a soundfile
options: ServerOptions.new.numOutputBusChannels_(2));
// uncomment to save the CtkScore as a file