PitchCollection explanation of what PitchCollection is and/or does
Inherits from: Object
More detailed prose description of PitchCollection.
See also: Object [some other help files]
Some Important Issues Regarding PitchCollection (optional)
Explanation of the issues. For more information see Nil and [some other help files].
Creation / Class Methods
*new (pitchCollection, tonic, octaveSize)
Short prose description of method.
pitchCollection - Explanation of pitchCollection. Default value is nil. Other information.
tonic - Explanation of tonic. Default value is nil. Other information.
octaveSize - Explanation of octaveSize. Default value is 12. Other information.
// inline example
g = PitchCollection.new;
g.doSomething; // explanation
*major (tonic)
Short prose description of method.
tonic - Explanation of tonic. Default value is nil. Other information.
// inline example
g = PitchCollection.major;
g.doSomething; // explanation
*minor (tonic)
Short prose description of method.
tonic - Explanation of tonic. Default value is nil. Other information.
// inline example
g = PitchCollection.minor;
g.doSomething; // explanation
*natMinor (tonic)
Short prose description of method.
tonic - Explanation of tonic. Default value is nil. Other information.
// inline example
g = PitchCollection.natMinor;
g.doSomething; // explanation
*harmMinor (tonic)
Short prose description of method.
tonic - Explanation of tonic. Default value is nil. Other information.
// inline example
g = PitchCollection.harmMinor;
g.doSomething; // explanation
*ionian (tonic)
Short prose description of method.
tonic - Explanation of tonic. Default value is nil. Other information.
// inline example
g = PitchCollection.ionian;
g.doSomething; // explanation
*dorian (tonic)
Short prose description of method.
tonic - Explanation of tonic. Default value is nil. Other information.
// inline example
g = PitchCollection.dorian;
g.doSomething; // explanation
*phrygian (tonic)
Short prose description of method.
tonic - Explanation of tonic. Default value is nil. Other information.
// inline example
g = PitchCollection.phrygian;
g.doSomething; // explanation
*lydian (tonic)
Short prose description of method.
tonic - Explanation of tonic. Default value is nil. Other information.
// inline example
g = PitchCollection.lydian;
g.doSomething; // explanation
*mixolydian (tonic)
Short prose description of method.
tonic - Explanation of tonic. Default value is nil. Other information.
// inline example
g = PitchCollection.mixolydian;
g.doSomething; // explanation
*aeolian (tonic)
Short prose description of method.
tonic - Explanation of tonic. Default value is nil. Other information.
// inline example
g = PitchCollection.aeolian;
g.doSomething; // explanation
*locrian (tonic)
Short prose description of method.
tonic - Explanation of tonic. Default value is nil. Other information.
// inline example
g = PitchCollection.locrian;
g.doSomething; // explanation
*chromatic (tonic)
Short prose description of method.
tonic - Explanation of tonic. Default value is nil. Other information.
// inline example
g = PitchCollection.chromatic;
g.doSomething; // explanation
Accessing Instance and Class Variables
Explanation including the type of sortedBase and a link to its help file.
Default value is nil.
Explanation including the type of octaveSize and a link to its help file.
Default value is nil.
Explanation including the type of pitchCollection and a link to its help file.
Default value is nil.
Explanation including the type of pitchBase and a link to its help file.
Default value is nil.
Explanation including the type of tonic and a link to its help file.
Default value is nil.
Doing Some Task (optional)
A short bit of prose explaining something about the task.
Short prose description of method.
// inline example
g = PitchCollection.init;
g.doSomething; // explanation
filterKeynum (keynum)
Short prose description of method.
keynum - Explanation of keynum. Default value is nil. Other information.
// inline example
g = PitchCollection.filterKeynum;
g.doSomething; // explanation
Short prose description of method.
// inline example
g = PitchCollection.choose;
g.doSomething; // explanation
wchoose (weights)
Short prose description of method.
weights - Explanation of weights. Default value is nil. Other information.
// inline example
g = PitchCollection.wchoose;
g.doSomething; // explanation
chunk (start, end)
Short prose description of method.
start - Explanation of start. Default value is 0. Other information.
end - Explanation of end. Default value is nil. Other information.
// inline example
g = PitchCollection.chunk;
g.doSomething; // explanation
add (aPitchClass)
Short prose description of method.
aPitchClass - Explanation of aPitchClass. Default value is nil. Other information.
// inline example
g = PitchCollection.add;
g.doSomething; // explanation
invert (aPitchClass)
Short prose description of method.
aPitchClass - Explanation of aPitchClass. Default value is nil. Other information.
// inline example
g = PitchCollection.invert;
g.doSomething; // explanation
insert (position, aPitchClass)
Short prose description of method.
position - Explanation of position. Default value is 0. Other information.
aPitchClass - Explanation of aPitchClass. Default value is nil. Other information.
// inline example
g = PitchCollection.insert;
g.doSomething; // explanation
transpose (aPitchInterval, direction)
Short prose description of method.
aPitchInterval - Explanation of aPitchInterval. Default value is nil. Other information.
direction - Explanation of direction. Default value is 'up'. Other information.
// inline example
g = PitchCollection.transpose;
g.doSomething; // explanation
// what this example does
e = PitchCollection.new;