XMLKey representation of a musical key for MusicXML files
Inherits from: Object
See also: XMLScore and XMLNote as well as MusicXMLOverview
Creation / Class Methods
*new (accidentals, mode)
accidentals - number of accidentals (positive is sharp, negative flat). e.g. -2 is two flats
mode - the mode of the key. \major or \minor. Default value is \major.
*major (key)
Use a symbol to describe a Major key (with UpperCase)
key - One of:
\C, \G, \D, \A, \E, \B, \Fs, \Cs, \F, \Bf, \Ef, \Af, \Df, \Gf, \Cf
*minor (key)
Use a symbol to describe a minor key (with lppercase)
key - One of:
\a, \e, \b, \fs, \cs, \gs, \ds, \as, \d, \g, \c, \f, \bf, \ef, \af
// simple example
// create an XMLScore
z = XMLScore.new;
// add a voice to the XMLScore
z.add(y = XMLVoice(meter: XMLMeter(4, 4), key: XMLKey.major(\Bf)));
// create a B-flat major scale in quarter notes
// uses XMLVoice's internal 'clock' to keep track of beats
[58, 60, 62, 63, 65, 67, 69, 70].do({arg keynum;
y.add(XMLNote(keynum, y.now, \e));
// output the XMLScore