XMLMeter representation of a musical meter for MusicXML files

Inherits from: Object

See also: XMLScore and XMLNote as well as MusicXMLOverview

Creation / Class Methods

*new (upper, lower, type)

upper - an interger or Array of integers. Arrays create a complex meter (e.g., [3, 2, 3] = 3 + 2 + 3)

lower - the lower value for the meter. If a \simple meter, this value gets the beat. If \compound, three of this value gets the beat.

type - \simple of \compound. Default is \simple.

g = XMLMeter.new(4, 4);

g = XMLMeter.new(6, 8, \compound);

g = XMLMeter.new([3, 2, 3], 8);

Accessing Instance and Class Variables


Returns the type of meter.


Explanation including the type of numBeats and a link to its help file.

Default value is nil.

Doing Some Task (optional)

A short bit of prose explaining something about the task.

beatDur (beat)

Returns the duration of a given beat in an XMLMeter.

// inline example

g = XMLMeter(4, 4);


g = XMLMeter([3, 2, 3, 2], 8);





Returns the duration of a full measure for a given XMLMeter.

g = XMLMeter([3, 2, 3, 2], 8);



// a short melodic example with changing meters, and tuplets in simple meters


var curkey, notedur, tuplet, curMeter;

// create an XMLScore

z = XMLScore.new;

// add a voice to the XMLScore

z.add(y = XMLVoice(key: XMLKey.major(\Bf)));

y.addMeter(1, XMLMeter(4, 4));

y.addMeter(2, XMLMeter(6, 8, \compound)); // a compound meter

y.addMeter(4, XMLMeter(4, 4));


curkey = [58, 60, 62, 63, 65, 67, 69, 70].choose;

curMeter = y.getMeterFromBeat(y.now);

tuplet = (curMeter.type == \compound).if({1/1}, {3/2});

y.add(XMLNote(curkey, y.now, \e, tuplet));

(y.now < 13)


// output the XMLScore

