GamePad add your own controllers/classes

For some GamePad models, classe have been written already.

For other models, you will have to make your own map of 

which button uses which ID number or 'cookie'.


GamePad.startHID(0); // read all USB devices

// post everything the connected HIDs know about themselves:{arg dev;


[dev.manufacturer, dev.product, dev.vendorID, dev.productID, dev.locID].postln;{arg ele;

" ".post; [ele.type, ele.usage, ele.cookie, ele.min, ele.max].postln;




e.g. for a (Chinese) DragonRise Joystick, the vendorID is 121, 

and following the posted element descriptions, the maps are something like: 

[ DragonRise Inc.  , Generic   USB  Joystick  , 121, 6, 990904320 ]

[ Button Input, Button #1, 4, 0, 1 ]

[ Button Input, Button #2, 5, 0, 1 ]

[ Button Input, Button #3, 6, 0, 1 ]

[ Button Input, Button #4, 7, 0, 1 ]

[ Button Input, Button #5, 8, 0, 1 ]

[ Button Input, Button #6, 9, 0, 1 ]

[ Button Input, Button #7, 10, 0, 1 ]

[ Button Input, Button #8, 11, 0, 1 ]

[ Button Input, Button #9, 12, 0, 1 ]

[ Button Input, Button #10, 13, 0, 1 ]

[ Button Input, Button #11, 14, 0, 1 ]

[ Button Input, Button #12, 15, 0, 1 ]

[ Button Input, Page: 0xff00, Usage: 0x1, 16, 0, 1 ]

[ Miscellaneous Input, X-Axis, 17, 0, 255 ]

[ Miscellaneous Input, Y-Axis, 18, 0, 255 ]

[ Miscellaneous Input, Z-Axis, 19, 0, 255 ]

[ Miscellaneous Input, Z-Axis, 20, 0, 255 ]

[ Miscellaneous Input, Z-Rotation, 21, 0, 255 ]

[ Miscellaneous Input, Hatswitch, 22, 0, 7 ]


GamePad.cookieMaps[121] = TwoWayIdentityDictionary[ 

\bt1 -> 4, // 4 buttons, righthand; up is 1, pressed is 0.

\bt2 -> 5, 

\bt3 -> 6, 

\bt4 -> 7, 

\lfTop -> 10, // 4 fire buttons, up 1, down 0

\lfBot -> 8, 

\rfTop -> 11, 

\rfBot -> 9,

\midL -> 12, // middle shift buttons

\midR -> 13, 

\lHat -> 14, // hat switches on joysticks

\rHat -> 15, 

\joyLX -> 19, // joystick left x-axis (horizontal) left is 255, right 0!

\joyLY -> 18, // joy left y-axis, up is 255.

\joyRX -> 20, // joystick right x-axis (horizontal) left is 255, right 0!

\joyRY -> 21, // joy right x-axis, up is 255.

\compass -> 22 // west is 1, south is 3, east is 5, north is 7, center is -8


// put in normalizing functions for the joysticks and the compass:

GamePad.normMaps[121] = 

( joyLX: { |val| 255 - val / 255 }, 

joyLY: { |val| val /  255 },

joyRX: { |val| 255 - val / 255 }, 

  joyRY: { |val| val /  255 },

  compass: { |val| (1: 0, 3: 1, 5: 2, 7: 3, -8: -1)[val] } 


// you must store the maps in the locIDs also, or do



GamePad.cookieMaps[990904320] = GamePad.cookieMaps[121];

GamePad.normMaps[990904320] = GamePad.normMaps[121];


