Impact a class for playing with the Saitek Impact game controller-based instruments
Impact is a subclass of GamePa. It knows the cookie numbers for the
Saitek Impact X6-38U Game controller, a good controller for music.
It knows how the scale the ctl values into a range of 0 - 1:
For using a different brand of controller, you can just add a similar map
to GamePad.normMaps at that controllers vendorID (description to follow..)
see also
A newer generation of Saitek Impact has joystick values from -128 to 127.
To adjust for, do the following:
// check the current map
( // if it uses { |val| val / -255 } etc, put these new functions in the map:
( 'joyRX': { |val| val - 127 / -255 },
'joyLY': { |val| val + 128 / 255 },
'joyLX': { |val| val - 127 / -255 },
'joyRY': { |val| val + 128 / 255 }
// postcs to check that the new functions are there:
A documentation image for the GamePad control layout:
unixCmd("open" + Document.current.path.dirname.quote +/+ "impact.jpg");