HrSlider midi aware and automatable slider widget.

Inherits from: Object : SCViewHolder

HrSlider inherits all the functionality of the standard Slider but is midi aware (can do midi learn) and automatable (can record its own automation).

Midi Learn:

Make sure your midi gear is connected, when the slider is in focus, press the L key on your keyboard (background will turn to blue meaning "in midi learn mode"), and twist a knob on your midi controller. When you see the slider moving, press L again to confirm the learned midi controller.

To clear the midi learn data, press L and then 0 (zero).


When the view is in focus, press W on your keyboard. Background will turn to orange (meaning record armed). Now when you start moving the slider, recording will start. Press W again (when the slider is in focus) to stop recording. if autoplay is set to "true" it will start playing back the automation right away. Press P key on your keyboard to start and stop automation playback. To clear the automation data, press W and then 0 (zero).

See also: Slider HrButton

Creation / Class Methods

*new (parent, bounds)

parent - The parent view.

bounds - An instance of Rect, or a Point indicating width@height.


w =;

a = HrSlider(w, Rect(20, 60, 150, 20));

a.action = { a.value.postln };


Accessing Instance and Class Variables



The automation recorder records 25 values per second. automationSize value defines how many points will be recorded.

Default value is inf.



Array of floats that contain the recorded positions of the slider.



If true, playbacks starts right after recording of automation ends.

Default value is true.



CCResponder [src, chan, num] arguments as an array that this widget is bound to. Populated automatically after midi learn operation.

Default value is nil.



Defines how many frames will be played back from the recorded automation data.

Default value is inf.

For the rest of the standard Slider methods, consult to the Slider help.