Quick and dirty first pass at a class for the Akai MPD24
Jeff C. uses just one scene, so no switching
supports cc, notes, aftertouch, sysex.
sysex is with MIDI.sysex - very dirty!
test all kinds:
m = MPD24Ktl.new;
// m.dump;
m.mapCC(\k1, { 'yo!'.postln });
m.mapCC(\sl6, { |val| val.postln });
// vel is scaled from 0 - 127
m.mapNoteOn(36, { |note, vel| [\noteOn, note, vel, "boom"].postln });
m.mapNoteOn(39, { |note, vel| [\noteOn, note, vel, "tchak"].postln });
m.mapNoteOff(36, { |note, vel| [\noteOff, note, vel, "moob"].postln });
// sends mono touch only.
m.mapTouch({ |val| [\press, val].postln });
m.mapTrans(\fwd, { \fwd.postln });
m.mapTrans(\rew, { \rew.postln });
m.mapTrans(\rec, { \rec.postln });
m.mapTrans(\play, { \play.postln });
m.mapTrans(\stop, { \stop.postln });