LaTeX produces LaTeX code for tables and charts


d = (a: 100.2, b: 650.2, "pi":pi, der:0.001, "\\theta": "theta");

LaTeX.numericalDict(d, "key", "value");


// dict can be also an array with key value pairs:

d = [a: 100.2, b: 650.2, "pi":pi, der:0.001, "\\theta": "theta"];

// which is the same as:

d = [ \a, 100.2, \b, 650.2, "pi", 3.1415926535898, \der, 0.001, "\\theta", "theta" ];


LaTeX.tableDict( (a: 100.2, b: 650.2, "pi":pi, der:0.001, "\\theta": "\\theta + \\gamma"), ["key", "val"]);

LaTeX.tableDict(Array.iota(4, 4), [0, 2], "c", "|");

a = [

["Minute", "from Degree", "to Degree", "Number of Countries"],

[3.54, "$0^o$", "$45^o$", 67],

[5.02, "$7^o$", "$32^o$", 3]


LaTeX.tableDict(a, [1], "c", "|", false);


// Give it an array of (barlabel -> barvalue) Association items. 

// "shades" can be true to cycle through shades, or false, or a function that translates the bar's index to a shade number (numbers 1 through 8).

LaTeX.barChart({100.0.rand}.dup(10).collect{|item, index| (("Item"+index) -> item) }, precision: 3);

LaTeX.barChart({100.0.rand}.dup(10).collect{|item, index| (("Item"+index) -> item) }, precision: 2, shades: true);

LaTeX.barChart({100.0.rand}.dup(10).collect{|item, index| (("Item"+index) -> item) }, precision: 4, shades: true, min: -30, max: 100, interval: 10);