OscGroupClient - an SC interface to Ross Bencinia's OscGroups, available for download from:


You can put the OscGroupClient UNIX binary inside your SuperCollider folder (on OS X at least) and this code will automaticall find it. Otherwise, set the variable:


You can join your own server, or Ross maintains a server with limited space at oscgroups.iua.upf.edu.

Specify a server, and log on with a unique userid, userpassword, and the groupid and grouppassword of a group already on the server (or this will create a groupid and grouppassword if one doesn't already exist).


                  // server address       ,userid,   userpassword, groupid, grouppassword

a = OscGroupClient("realizedsound.mooo.com", "josh", "joshword", "test", "testword")

// join the Server



// add a responder for OTHER people on the server to send messages to you

a.addResp(\test, {arg time, resp, msg;



// and remove your responder. This is an IdentityDictionary in the class, so you can have as 

// many responders with unique ids that you want


// this sends a message to everyone else. You don't see anything though on your end


// you can send more then just the trigger id, just comma separate the stuff you are sending!):

a.sendMsg(\test"How much can I send?"1232\etc);

// close your connection to the server, and clean up. 
