RePost redirect posting away from the main post window.
In a Republic, lots of post messages come in all the time, especially with many active participants.
RePost allows redirecting debug/info posting to a special view.
Note: This is not polished yet, more of an idea for discussion.
E.g. posting last thing on top could be discussed/switchable,
also a button for turning off posting to main post window,
etc etc.
// initialise RePost, creates its own little post view
RePost.init(nil, Rect(800, 200, 400, 320));
// normal post { |i| [i, (1..10).scramble].postln; };
// post to both
"Hello\n".repost; // post
"World!".repostln; // postln
"note\n\n".repostc; // postc
"ascending".repostcln; // postcln
"order.".repostcs; // postcs
"and %.\n".repostf(\format);// postcs
// now post only to Repost
RePost.toPost = false; { |i| [i, (1..10).scramble].repostln; };
"... the serene\n".repost;
"of the post window".repostcln;
"lets you read errors again.".repostcs;
// repost keeps a list of last <numPosts> post strings:
RePost.clear; // clear them
// you can put Repost of a given window:
w = Window("test").front;
RePost.init(w); { (1..10).scramble.postlnR; };
// with given bounds - and a new window replaces any previous one.
w = Window("test2").front;
RePost.init(w, Rect(50, 50, 300, 300));