/* A recommended setup for the WFS system at TU Berlin:
* Use a SharedServer with 42 channels I/O;
* split for e.g. 8 users, such that each user gets 5 private chans
* these chans can be panned freely with Wonder via OSC,
* or thru Florian's SWonder SC class.
q = q ? ();
q.myClientID = 0; // CHANGE FOR YOURS!!
q.numPlayers = 8; // agree on a maximum number
// prepare a shared server:
q.options = SharedServerOptions.new
q.numChans = q.options.numOutputBusChannels;
q.wfs = SharedServer(\wfs, NetAddr("", 57110), q.options, q.myClientID);
Server.default = s = q.wfs;
CmdPeriod.add({ q.wfs.freeAll }); // frees only my own nodes, not all of them
"I can play on chans: %\n".postf(q.wfs.myOuts);
// the panning software address at TU is:
q.wfsCtl = NetAddr("", 58100);
w = q.wfsCtl;
// try { q.wfsWin.close };
q.wfsWin = Window("WFS server", Rect(0,800,305, 130)).userCanClose_(false).front;
Button(q.wfsWin, Rect(0,0, 145, 50))
.states_([["EMERGENCY ONLY \n - FREE ALL!", Color.white, Color.red]])
.action_({ q.wfs.freeAll(true); });
Button(q.wfsWin, Rect(0,150, 145, 50))
.states_([["Free All \nMy Sounds.", Color.white, Color.green]])
.action_({ q.wfs.freeAll });
// a simple test sound, playing to s.myOuts, channel 0
x.free; x = { Ringz.ar(Dust.ar([30, 20, 10]), [600, 1800, 7200], 0.04).sum * 0.5 }.play(s, s.myOuts[0]);
x.free; x = { Ringz.ar(Dust.ar([30, 20, 10]), [600, 1800, 7200], 0.04).sum * 0.1 }.play(s, s.myOuts[1]);
// ch, x, y, fadeDur
// 0, 0 is center;
w.sendMsg("/WONDER/source/position", s.myOuts[0], 0, -0.2);
w.sendMsg("/WONDER/source/position", s.myOuts[0], 7, -0.2);
w.sendMsg("/WONDER/source/position", s.myOuts[0], -7, -0.2);
w.sendMsg("/WONDER/source/position", s.myOuts[0], 7, -0.2, 5);
w.sendMsg("/WONDER/source/position", s.myOuts[0], -7, -0.2, 5);
// Florians Wonderful SWonder class:
a = SWonder( NetAddr("", 58100)); // creating an instance of SWonder
a.connect // connect it to cwonder
a.sourcePosition(s.myOuts[1], 0.8@0.5) // put source 0 in the center of the room
a.sourcePosition(0, 0@0.5) // move it half way to the front
a.addSource(1, 0.5@0.2) // add a source directly to a specified position
a.sourcePlane(1, true) // add a plane wave source
a.sourceAngle(1, 360.rand) // set it's angle
a.sourceName(1, "new name") // rename it
a.sourceColor(1, Color.rand) // different color
a.removeSource(1) // remove it
a.addNextSource(0.1 @ 0.7)
// randomly move evrything:
a.sources.do { |src, i| a.sourcePosition(i, 1.0.rand2 @ 1.0.rand2, exprand(0.3, 3)) };
// jumping to a new position produces bad glitches
Tdef(\randPan, {
inf.do {
var dur = exprand(1.0, 10.0);
var x = 30.0.bilinrand;
var y = 50.0.bilinrand;
w.sendMsg("/WONDER/source/position", s.myOuts[1], *[x, y]);
// can also smoothly move there
Tdef(\randPan1, {
inf.do {
var dur = exprand(1.0, 10.0);
var x = 30.0.bilinrand;
var y = 50.0.bilinrand;
w.sendMsg("/WONDER/source/position", s.myOuts[2], *[x, y, dur]);
x.free; x = { SinOsc.ar(100) * 0.1 }.play(s, s.myOuts[2]);
// xy pendulum - lissajou figures
Tdef(\pendulum, {
inf.do { |i|
var xpos = (i * 0.02).sin * 7;
var ypos = (i * 0.022).sin * 12 + 12;
w.sendMsg("/WONDER/source/position", s.myOuts[2], *[xpos, ypos, 0.02]);
Tdef(\pendulum2, {
inf.do { |i|
var xpos = (i * 0.024).sin * 7;
var ypos = (i * 0.028).sin * 12 + 12;
w.sendMsg("/WONDER/source/position", s.myOuts[2], *[xpos, ypos, 0.02]);
Tdef(\pendulum3, {
inf.do { |i|
var xpos = (i * 0.027).sin * 7;
var ypos = (i * 0.029).sin * 12 + 12;
w.sendMsg("/WONDER/source/position", s.myOuts[3], *[xpos, ypos, 0.02]);
// x, y, 0/0 is center front;
// x, y, 0/0 is center;
w.sendMsg("/WONDER/source/position", s.myOuts[0], 0, 0);
w.sendMsg("/WONDER/source/position", s.myOuts[0], 7, 0); // right
w.sendMsg("/WONDER/source/position", s.myOuts[0], -7, 0); // left
w.sendMsg("/WONDER/source/position", s.myOuts[0], 0, 0); // center front
w.sendMsg("/WONDER/source/position", s.myOuts[0], 7, 25); // right back
w.sendMsg("/WONDER/source/position", s.myOuts[0], -7, 25); // left back
q.wfs.freeAll; // kill your own sounds
q.wfs.freeAll(true); // kill everything on the server.