SpectrogramWindow a "nice" wrapper for Spectrogram

Inherits from: Object : Spectrogram

The SpectrogramWindow shows the specrum of a sound of a specified audio bus. It can be resized.

By clicking on the view, a crosshair cursor appears that indicates the frequency underneith.

Panel commands:

Power - Turns the scope on and off.

BusIn - The audio bus to be analyzed.

Int - The intensity of drawing from 0 to 40

winsize - The size of the FFT analysis window (power of two : 256, 512, 1024 or 2048)

range - The Frequency range displayed in the window. Values are scaled to bin frequencies (depending on window size).

See also: Spectrogram, SCFreqScopeWindow

Note: This Window also adds .spectrogram method do Function (see examples)

Creation / Class Methods


// the special spectrogram window (like FreqScope)


{LPF.ar(WhiteNoise.ar(1), LFNoise1.kr(1).range(20,12250))}.play;

// spectrogram is also added as a method to Function, thus:

{LFNoise1.ar(MouseX.kr(10, 5000)) * SinOsc.ar(MouseY.kr(15000, 1000, 1))}.spectrogram;

{LPF.ar(WhiteNoise.ar(1), LFNoise1.kr(1).range(20,12250))}.spectrogram;

{Saw.ar(MouseX.kr(1, 1000))}.spectrogram;



color_ (argcolor)

The color that is drawn.

background_ (argcolor)

The background color.

crosshairColor_ (argcolor)

The color of the frequency info crosshair cursor.

// as the SpectrogramWindow inherets from Spectrogram, we can change colors

a = SpectrogramWindow.new;

{LPF.ar(WhiteNoise.ar(1), LFNoise1.kr(1).range(20,12250))}.play;




a.crosshairColor_(Color.black); // click and drag on the view
