SY(\symbol) -- SYnth -- automatic creation
Where Fact and VC keep a voicer together with resources needed for synthesis, Fact and SY do the same thing for a plain synthdef. In the Factory, the make function must return the synthdef's name.
If you are allocating your own output bus and target group, store the bus in ~out and the target in ~target.
If you are using a MixerChannel for the target, you need only assign the MixerChannel object to ~target. ~out may remain empty.
You may use SY with any of the sequencing processes that normally use a voicer; the only requirement is that you must change the event key in the event for the process to be \synthNote rather than \voicerNote.
(make: {
~target = MixerChannel(\synthTest, s, 2, 2);
// if needed you may also create buffers and other resources here
// if you send a SynthDef, use .memStore instead of .send
// make function must return the synthdef name
}, free: { }) => Fact(\defaultSynth);
Fact(\defaultSynth) => SY(\default);
// something simple to play
b = MIDIRecBuf(\cmaj, [
#[60, 62, 64, 65, 67, 69, 71, 72],
0.25, 0.2, 0.5
// most basic melody player, plays raw MIDI data with no extra processing
PR(\mel1) => BP(\test);
b => BP(\test); // give it the buffer
BP(\test) => SY(\default); // use the SY created above
BP(\test).event.eventKey = \synthNote; // must override \voicerNote here