set of DMX settings which make up one scene
Inherits from:: Object
A DMXCue is a complete set of DMX channel settings, making up one moment/light situation in a performance. Values of the channels should be between 0 and 1; they are converted to the standard 8bit range when sent to the device.
Creation / Class Methods
- *new(offset,maxch)
- Create a new DMXCue. The arguments should be the same as the offset and maxChannels in the instance of DMX that you are using
- offset
- Index of the first channel (default 0)
- maxch
- Maximum index of channels (default 512)
Accessing Instance and Class Variables
- merge(subcue)
- Merge in a subcue into this cue.
- subcue
- An instance of DMXSubCue
- put(id,val)
- Put a value at a specific channel
- val
- Value
- id
- Channel id
- at(id)
- Get the value within the cue at the given DMX channel
- id
- The dmx channel requested
- size
- Returns the actual number of channels of the cue
- asInt8
- This method converts the settings to values between 0 and 255 which can be sent out as bytes to the device. Called by DMXDevice:sendDMX.
- maxchannels_
- maxchannels
- Maximum index of channels (default 512)
- channeloffset_
- channeloffset
- Index of the first channel (default 0)
- data_
- data
- An Array with the data of the cue.
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