
Use a spline as a mapping function.

X will be enforced to be monotonic

but Y (value) may curve back on itself

spline a spline

dimension: 0: x is input, y is output

  1: y is input, x is output

inSpec: ControlSpec of the input range

outSpec: ControlSpec of the output range


b = BSpline([ [ 0.0, 0.0 ], [ 0.28177966101695, 0.27 ], [ 0.77118644067797, 0.932 ], [ 0.89618644067797, 0.424 ], [ 1.0, 0.132 ] ], 4.0, false);








PinkNoise.ar * SplineMapper(b).kr( MouseX.kr(0,1),32 )



the output is limited to the outputSpec, so curvatures that map to outside of the range will be clipped within.


b = BSpline([ [ -1.0, -1.0 ], [ 0.36864406779661, -0.292 ], [ 1.0, 1.0 ] ], 4.0, false);





w = LFSaw.ar(MouseX.kr(40,4000,\exponential));

SplineMapper(b).ar( w, 64 ) * MouseY.kr(0.7,0.0)



By passing spec and domainSpec to the gui 

it will size the display to precisely the range

and limit the points to movement within the range.


b = BSpline([ [ 0.0, 0.028571428571429 ], [ 0.2890365448505, 0.39428571428571 ], [ 0.7641196013289, 1.0 ], [ 1.0, 0.0 ] ], 4.0, false);



// not working as expected


b = BezierSpline( Point(-1,-1), [], Point(1,1),[],false);





x = MouseX.kr(-1,1,\linear);

y = SplineMapper(b).kr( x, 64 );

//Saw.ar( y.linlin(-1,1, 400,6000) )

Saw.ar * (y * 0.5 + 1)



make a SplineMapperEditor that limits visibile and points to specs. 

limits drawing to clip range

highlights in red any reverses in domain

highlights in yellow any reverses in level

normalize button

# compile string