EZSmoothSlider wrapper class for label, SmoothSlider, SmoothNumberBox

part of wslib

Inherits from: Object : EZGui : EZSlider

EZSmoothSlider is wrapper class which creates an (optional) StaticText, and a SmoothSlider plus a SmoothNumberBox. If the parent is nil, then EZSmoothSlider will create its own window. EZSmoothSlider behaves in the same way as EZSlider.


w = Window.new.front;


z = EZSmoothSlider( w,  // parent

390@20, // bounds

" test ", // label

\freq, // controlSpec

{|ez| (ez.value.asString ++" is the value of " ++ ez).postln} // action




// Simplest version, no parent view, so a window is created


z=EZSmoothSlider(label:" test ");

z.action_({|ez| (ez.value.asString ++" is the value of " ++ ez).postln});



w = Window().front;


9.do({ |i|

EZSmoothSlider( w, 40@390, (i+1).digit2roman, layout: \vert )

.labelView.align_( \center );



Examples (converted from EZSlider)

( // basic use


g=EZSmoothSlider(w, 400@16," test  ", \freq,unitWidth:30, numberWidth:60,layout:\horz);




// lots of sliders on on view






EZSmoothSlider(w, 392@16," Freq ", \freq,unitWidth:30,initVal:6000.rand, numberWidth:60,layout:\horz)





Window.closeAll  // use this to close all the windows


////////// click these parentheses to see all features and layouts 



//m=2@2; // uncomment this for margin


/// Layout \horz

( // all features, small font

g=EZSmoothSlider(nil, 400@14," freq  ", \freq,unitWidth:30, numberWidth:60,layout:\horz, margin: m);

g.setColors(Color.grey,Color.white, Color.grey(0.7),Color.grey, 

Color.white, Color.yellow);

g.window.bounds = g.window.bounds.moveBy(-180,50);



( // no unitView

g=EZSmoothSlider(nil, 400@16," freq  ", \freq,unitWidth:0, numberWidth:60,layout:\horz, margin: m);

g.setColors(Color.grey,Color.white, Color.grey(0.7),Color.grey, 

Color.white, Color.yellow);

g.window.bounds = g.window.bounds.moveBy(-180, -20);


( // no label, so use window name as label

g=EZSmoothSlider(nil, 400@16, nil, \freq,unitWidth:0, numberWidth:60,layout:\horz, margin: m);

g.setColors(Color.grey,Color.white, Color.grey(0.7),Color.grey, 

Color.white, Color.yellow);

g.window.bounds = g.window.bounds.moveBy(-180, -90);




/// Layout \line2

( // all features

g=EZSmoothSlider(nil, 300@42," freq  ", \freq,unitWidth:30, numberWidth:60,layout:\line2, margin: m);

g.setColors(Color.grey,Color.white, Color.grey(0.7),Color.grey, 

Color.white, Color.yellow);

g.window.bounds = g.window.bounds.moveBy(-180,-160);


( // no unitView, with label

g=EZSmoothSlider(nil, 300@42," freq  ", \freq,unitWidth:0, numberWidth:60,layout:\line2, margin: m);

g.setColors(Color.grey,Color.white, Color.grey(0.7),Color.grey, 

Color.white, Color.yellow);

g.window.bounds = g.window.bounds.moveBy(-180,-260);


( // no label

g=EZSmoothSlider(nil, 300@42,nil, \freq, unitWidth:30, numberWidth:60,layout:\line2, margin: m);

g.setColors(Color.grey,Color.white, Color.grey(0.7),Color.grey, 

Color.white, Color.yellow);

g.window.bounds = g.window.bounds.moveBy(-180,-360);



( // no lablel, so use window name as label

g=EZSmoothSlider(nil, 150@42,nil, \freq,unitWidth:0, numberWidth:60,layout:\line2, margin: m);

g.setColors(Color.grey,Color.white, Color.grey(0.7),Color.grey, 

Color.white, Color.yellow);

g.window.bounds = g.window.bounds.moveBy(-180,-460);




/// Layout \vert

( // all features, small font

g=EZSmoothSlider(nil, 45@300," Vol  ", \db.asSpec.step_(0.01),unitWidth:30, numberWidth:60,layout:\vert, margin: m);

g.setColors(Color.grey,Color.white, Color.grey(0.7),Color.grey, 

Color.white, Color.yellow);

g.window.bounds = g.window.bounds.moveBy(250,50);



( // no label, small font

g=EZSmoothSlider(nil, 45@300, nil, \db.asSpec.step_(0.01),unitWidth:30, numberWidth:60,layout:\vert, margin: m);

g.setColors(Color.grey,Color.white, Color.grey(0.7),Color.grey, 

Color.white, Color.yellow);

g.window.bounds = g.window.bounds.moveBy(310,50);



( // no Units small font

g=EZSmoothSlider(nil, 45@300, " Vol", \db.asSpec.step_(0.01),unitWidth:0, numberWidth:60,layout:\vert, margin: m);

g.setColors(Color.grey,Color.white, Color.grey(0.7),Color.grey, 

Color.white, Color.yellow);

g.window.bounds = g.window.bounds.moveBy(370,50);



( // no unitView, no Units small font

g=EZSmoothSlider(nil, 45@300, nil, \db.asSpec.step_(0.01),unitWidth:0, numberWidth:60,layout:\vert, margin: m);

g.setColors(Color.grey,Color.white, Color.grey(0.7),Color.grey, 

Color.white, Color.yellow);

g.window.bounds = g.window.bounds.moveBy(430,50);






// Sound example


// start server


var w, startButton, noteControl, cutoffControl, resonControl;

var balanceControl, ampControl;

var node, cmdPeriodFunc;

// define a synth

SynthDef("window-test", { arg note = 36, fc = 1000, rq = 0.25, bal=0, amp=0.4, gate = 1;

var x;

x = Mix.fill(4, {

LFSaw.ar((note + {0.1.rand2}.dup).midicps, 0, 0.02)


x = RLPF.ar(x, fc, rq).softclip;

x = RLPF.ar(x, fc, rq, amp).softclip;

x = Balance2.ar(x[0], x[1], bal);

x = x * EnvGen.kr(Env.cutoff, gate, doneAction: 2);

Out.ar(0, x);

}, [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0]


// make the window

w = Window("another control panel", Rect(20, 400, 440, 180));

w.front; // make window visible and front window.

w.view.decorator = FlowLayout(w.view.bounds);


// add a button to start and stop the sound.

startButton = SmoothButton(w, 75 @ 20);

startButton.states = [

["Start", Color.black, Color.green(0.7)],

["Stop", Color.white, Color.red(0.7)]


startButton.action = {|view|

if (view.value == 1) {

// start sound

node = Synth( "window-test", [

"note", noteControl.value,

"fc", cutoffControl.value,

"rq", resonControl.value,

"bal", balanceControl.value,

"amp", ampControl.value.dbamp ]);

} {

// set gate to zero to cause envelope to release

node.release; node = nil;



// create controls for all parameters


noteControl = EZSmoothSlider(w, 430 @ 20, "Note ", ControlSpec(24, 60, \lin, 1, 36, \note),

{|ez| node.set( "note", ez.value )}, unitWidth:30)

.setColors(Color.grey,Color.white, Color.grey(0.7),Color.grey, Color.white, Color.yellow);


cutoffControl = EZSmoothSlider(w, 430 @ 20, "Cutoff ", ControlSpec(200, 5000, \exp,0.01,1000,\Hz),

{|ez| node.set( "fc", ez.value )}, unitWidth:30)

.setColors(Color.grey,Color.white, Color.grey(0.7),Color.grey, Color.white, Color.yellow);


resonControl = EZSmoothSlider(w, 430 @ 20, "Reson ", ControlSpec(0.1, 0.7,\lin,0.001,0.2,\rq),

{|ez| node.set( "rq", ez.value )}, unitWidth:30)

.setColors(Color.grey,Color.white, Color.grey(0.7),Color.grey, Color.white, Color.yellow);


balanceControl = EZSmoothSlider(w, 430 @ 20, "Balance ", \bipolar,

{|ez| node.set( "bal", ez.value )},  unitWidth:30)

.setColors(Color.grey,Color.white, Color.grey(0.7),Color.grey, Color.white, Color.yellow);


ampControl = EZSmoothSlider(w, 430 @ 20, "Amp ", \db,

{|ez| node.set( "amp", ez.value.dbamp )}, -6, unitWidth:30)

.setColors(Color.grey,Color.white, Color.grey(0.7),Color.grey, Color.white, Color.yellow);

// set start button to zero upon a cmd-period

cmdPeriodFunc = { startButton.value = 0; };


// stop the sound when window closes and remove cmdPeriodFunc.

w.onClose = {

node.free; node = nil;





// a variant of the above example so one can 

// add new parameters and more views are created automatically


// start server


var w, startButton, sliders;

var node, cmdPeriodFunc;

var params, specs;

// define a synth

SynthDef("window-test", { arg note = 36, fc = 1000, rq = 0.25, bal = 0, amp=0.4, width=0, gate = 1;

var x;

x = Mix.fill(4, {

VarSaw.ar((note + {0.1.rand2}.dup).midicps, 0, width, 0.02)


x = RLPF.ar(x, fc, rq).softclip;

x = RLPF.ar(x, fc, rq, amp).softclip;

x = Balance2.ar(x[0], x[1], bal);

x = x * EnvGen.kr(Env.cutoff, gate, 5, doneAction: 2);

Out.ar(0, x);

}, [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0]


params = ["note", "fc", "rq", "bal", "amp", "width"];

specs = [

ControlSpec(24, 60, \lin, 1, 36, \note),

ControlSpec(200, 5000, \exp,0.01,1000,\Hz),

ControlSpec(0.1, 0.7,\lin,0.001,0.2,\rq),

ControlSpec(-1, 1, \lin, 0, 0, \pan),

ControlSpec(0.0001, 2, \exp, 0, 0.3, \vol), // db spec acts weird, so use self made one

ControlSpec(0, 1, \lin, 0, 0.3, \width),


// make the window

w = Window("another control panel", Rect(20, 400, 440, 180));

w.front; // make window visible and front window.

w.view.decorator = FlowLayout(w.view.bounds);


// add a button to start and stop the sound.

startButton = SmoothButton(w, 75 @ 20);

startButton.states = [

["Start", Color.black, Color.green(0.7)],

["Stop", Color.white, Color.red(0.7)]


startButton.action = {|view|

var args;

if (view.value == 1) {

// start sound

params.do { |param, i| 

args = args.add(param);

args = args.add(sliders[i].value)


node = Synth("window-test", args.postcs);

} {

// set gate to zero to cause envelope to release

node.release; node = nil;



// create controls for all parameters


sliders = params.collect { |param, i| 

EZSmoothSlider(w, 430 @ 20, param, specs[i], {|ez| node.set( param, ez.value )})

.setColors(Color.grey,Color.white, Color.grey(0.7),Color.grey, Color.white, Color.yellow);


// set start button to zero upon a cmd-period

cmdPeriodFunc = { startButton.value = 0; };


// stop the sound when window closes and remove cmdPeriodFunc.

w.onClose = {

node.free; node = nil;



