OneShotController ... hard to explain but very useful ...
part of wslib
Inherits from: SimpleController
OneShotController performs an action only once at a change message from its Model. It is used to create the option of actions performed at a change of an object, such as a Synth being started or freed. This helpfile will not explain how this works, but instead show a number of wslib methods that use it.
see also: Server-Command-Reference, NodeWatcher
Synth:startAction_ ( action )
Listens to the Server and reacts by evaluating the function when the synth is really started
action - a Function to be evaluated. The arguments are: synth, change message (\n_go)
a = Synth( "default" ).startAction_( { |...args| ("started" + args).postln; } );;
// Synth.sched is a method from wslib-shortcuts
Synth.sched( 0.5, "default" ).startAction_( { |synth, msg| { 2.wait; synth.release; }.fork } );
Synth:freeAction_ ( action )
Listens to the Server and reacts by evaluating the function when the synth is really started
action - a Function to be evaluated. The arguments are: synth, change message (\n_end)
a = Synth( "default" ).freeAction_( { |...args| ("freed" + args).postln; } );; // or press cmd-period
Synth:pauseAction_ ( action, oneShot ), Synth:runAction_ ( action, oneShot )
Evaluates the action when a synth is paused or unpaused.
action - a Function to be evaluated. The arguments are: synth, change message (\n_on, \n_off)
oneShot - a Boolean for setting wether the function should only be evaluated once or multiple times
default : false
Object:doOnChange ( what, action, oneShot )
all methods provided above make use of this internally. I'm not sure what SuperCollider objects currently make use of the Model/dependants interface, but this method will work for all of those.
what - the change message. The type of message call the function for
action - a Function to be evaluated. The arguments are: object, change message
oneShot - a Boolean for setting wether the function should only be evaluated once or multiple times
default : true
a = Synth( "default" );
a.doOnChange( \n_end, { |object, msg| [ object, msg ].postln }, true );
); // performs the action after NodeWatcher called .changed( \n_end )