
part of wslib

An alert window class

Note: not yet SwingOSC compatible

SCAlert( "Are you alerted now?", [ "No", "Yes" ] );


SCAlert( string, buttons, actions, color, background, iconName, border )

string : a string containing the message to be displayed. You can use $\n characters in it as well

buttons : an Array containing the names of the buttons. It can also contain SCButton states.

buttons defaults to [ "cancel", "ok" ]

actions : an Array containing a function for each button

color : the color of the border stripe around the window and the icon. Defaults to

background : the background color of the window. Defaults to white

iconName : the name of the icon to be displayed from DrawIcon. Defaults to 'warning'

border : Should the window have a border? Defaults to true

SCAlert also listens to key strokes. If you type a letter it will find the button of which the name starts with that letter and hit it (just like in most alert windows).


SCAlert( "What do you want to hear now?\n

type 'n' for nothing, 's' for a sine wave

and 'p' for a pulse", 

[ "nothing", ["sine wave",], "pulse" ],  // buttons

[ nil, 

{ { Env.sine(0.25, 0.25).kr(2) * }.play;  },

{ { Env.sine(0.25, 0.25).kr(2) * }.play;  } ], // actions,

iconName: 'sign_$?' );


class vars:


if true (default) runs all SCAlerts in modal mode (see SCModalWindow)

elements of the SCAlert:


An Array of button states for each button


An Array containing all SCButton objects


The SCWindow itself

string / string_

actions / actions_

color / color_

background / background_

iconName / iconName_

actions, Colors and iconName can all be changed after creation

onCloseIndex / onCloseIndex_

the index of the button action which is eveluated when the SCAlert window is closed using it's close box.

Defaults to -1, which means that none of the actions is used.


a = SCAlert( "hello!" );

a.color =;

b = Task({

var i = 0;

loop { 

{ a.iconName = ("wait_" ++ (i = i+(1/16))).asSymbol; }.defer;




a.actions = [ { b.stop }, { b.stop } ];

a.onCloseIndex = 0;


buttonClosesWindow / buttonClosesWindow_

defaults to true, if false the window is not closed when one of the butons is hit.

buttonLabel ( index ) / buttonLabel_ ( index, newLabel )

changes the name of the button at index

focus ( index )

sets the focus to the button at index

enable ( index ) / disable ( index )

enables or disables the button at index


a = SCAlert( "try out these buttons", ["cancel", "disable me", "change text"] );

a.buttonClosesWindow_( false );

a.actions_( [ 

{ a.window.close }, // cancel closes the window

{ a.disable( 1 ); }, 

{ a.string_( "text changed" ); // first hit changes text

a.buttonLabel_( 2, "ok" );

a.actions[2] = { a.window.close; } // next hit closes window

} ] );



hits the currently focused button