Part of wslib
superclass : SVGObject
The SVGRect holds the data for a rectangle
SVGRect ( x, y, width, height, rx, ry, name, strokeColor, fillColor, strokeWidth, transform )
creates a new object with the instance variables as described below and in the SVGObject helpfile
SVGRect.fromRect ( rect, name, strokeColor, fillColor, strokeWidth, transform )
creates a new object by taking x, y, width, height values from a Rect
instance variables
x, y, width, height
radius of x and y
rx, ry
radius of the corners for a rounded rect.
strokeColor, fillColor
colors for stroke and fill. These can be
a Color
a String or Symbol with a color name ( e.g. "light_blue" or "#0000FF" )
"none" or nil
defaults to 1.
SVGRect( 10, 10, 300, 200, 0, 0, "my rect", "navajo_white", "royal_blue", 5 ).plot;
SVGRect( 10, 10, 300, 200, 30, 50, "my rect", "navy", "antique_white", 5 ).plot;