part of wslib
a Pen-based replacement for SCButton, with extra styling options.
SmoothButton works the same way as SCButton. But, as the name states, it is smooth. SmoothButton is a subclass of RoundButton and shares all of its functionality. The difference is that SmoothButton has no bevel by default. SmoothButton was designed to be used alongside SmoothSlider and SmoothNumberBox.
w = Window( "SmoothButton" ).front.decorate; // decorate -> wslib-shortcuts
b = SmoothButton( w, 80@20 ).states_([[ "hit me" ], [ "again" ]] ).action_({ "was hit".postln });
If a SmoothButton's bounds are a square, the button shape becomes a circle:
c = SmoothButton( w, 20@20 ).states_([[ "x",, Color.gray(0.6) ]] );
SmoothButton also supports icons from DrawIcon. If the button state name is a Symbol
it is replaced by an icon with that name.
k = SmoothButton( w, 80@20 ).states_([[ \play ]] );
l = SmoothButton( w, 20@20 ).states_([[ \stop, Color.white, ]] );
States can also contain instances of SCImage. They will be displayed at original size, centered in the button and not clipped.
o = ++ "/");
p = SmoothButton(w, 250@150).states_( [ [o] ] );
Functions can also be used as a state. They will be used as drawing functions, which receive a the button, a rect and the radius as arguments. Drawing is always relative to the origin of the button's bounds.
u = SmoothButton(w, 80@20).states_( [
[{ |button, rect, radius|
Pen.line( rect.leftBottom, rect.rightTop );
Pen.line( rect.rightBottom, rect.leftTop );
}] ] );
The fillcolor of a state can also be a Gradient, or a SCImage.
q = SmoothButton(w, 80@20).states_( [
["horizontal", Color.white, Gradient(, )],
["vertical", Color.white, Gradient(, Color.white.alpha_(0.25), \v)]] );
r ="/Library/Desktop Pictures/Ripples Blue.jpg");
t = SmoothButton(w, 80@20).states_( [["image",, r ]] );
SmoothButton has some extra features for graphic finetuning:
the radius of the round corners in px
d = SmoothButton( w, 80@20 ).states_([[ "radius=0",, Color.gray(0.7) ]] ).radius_( 0 );
e = SmoothButton( w,80@20 ).states_([[ "radius=5",Color.gray(0.8), ]] ).radius_( 5 );
f = SmoothButton( w, 80@20 ).states_([[ "radius=Array" ]]).radius_( [0,10,4,7] );
border width in px (default 2). The color of the border cannot be changed; it is always dark grey and white when pressed (or vice versa if inverse == true).
h = SmoothButton( w, 80@20 ).states_([[ "border=0" ]] ).border_( 0 );
i = SmoothButton( w, 80@20 ).states_([[ "border=5" ]] ).border_( 5 );
bevel extrusion boolean (default = false). This will make SmoothButton look like a RoundButton
j = SmoothButton( w, 80@20 ).states_([[ "extrusion" ]] ).extrude_( true );
you can use bevel as well, which does the same thing.
amount of px to move the button label by when pressed. Default = 0.
j.moveWhenPressed_( 2 );
makes the border white instead of dark grey.
m = SmoothButton( w, 20@20 ).states_([[ \speaker ]] ).inverse_( true );
m.inverse_( false );
n = SmoothButton( w, 20@20 ).states_([[ \arrow ]] ).border_(1).inverse_( true );