
part of wslib

a window with play, stop and return buttons, and a time counter.


The user can add actions to all buttons and more.


TransportWindow ( name, startPos )

name : the title of the window (default "transport" )

startPos : the start position in seconds (default 0 )

w = TransportWindow();

In the window you get is a play button, stop button and resetbutton. The stop button is only active during playback, the reset button only after stop is pressed (resets pos to 0)

Instance variables


gets and sets the time position

w.pos = 5.12;

w.pos = 0;


gets and sets counter stepsize. defaults to 128/44100 seconds (2 Server control periods). Sometimes it can be better to make this higher to save cpu (window is refreshed by this rate)


an action to be eveluated at every counter step

w.counterAction = { |wnd| wnd.pos.postln; };