JSBKtl a MIDIKtl class for adc and haho's JoyStickBox - 

a Doepfer PocketControl kit with 8 joysticks.

The layout is: 

js1X/Y  js2X/Y  js3X/Y  js4X/Y  


js5X/Y  js6X/Y  js7X/Y  js8X/Y  

See also  MIDIKtl, PFKtl, 

NanoKtl, etc

first example

// make a new PFKtl

f = JSBKtl.new;

// map a single slider's action

f.mapCC(\js1X, { |ccval| "JSBKtl: js1X ccval %\n".postf(ccval) }); 

f.mapCC(\js1Y, { |ccval| "JSBKtl: js1Y ccval %\n".postf(ccval) }); 

Class Variables

*verbose // a flag whether the class posts extended info  

PFKtl.verbose = true;

PFKtl.verbose = false;

Instance Variables

softWithin how close controllers should be for soft takeOver (default 0.05).

see also softSet. 

ctlNames a dictionary of the controller element names and their midi info.

lastVals the last values that come from each controller element (used for softSet)


*new(uid) make a new PFKtl. uid is an optional ID for the MIDI port to listen to. 

f = JSBKtl.new;


mapCC(ctl, action)

// map a single slider's action

f.mapCC(\js8X, { |ccval| "JSBKtl test: js8X ccval %\n".postf(ccval) }); 

// all valid names are:


mapToEnvirGui(gui, indices) - map to an EnvirGui.

gui the gui

indices which sliders to map to. default is [1, 2 .. 8]. 


Spec.add(\harm, [1, 100]);

e = EnvirGui.new( (freq: 120, amp: 0.2, harm: 12, otto: 10), 4);



mapToPdefGui(gui, indices) - map to a PdefGui.

mapToTdefGui(gui, indices) - map to a TdefGui.

gui the gui

indices which sliders to map to. default is [1, 2 .. 8]. 


Tdef(\a, { |e| 100.do { |i| i.postln; 0.5.wait } });

t = TdefGui(Tdef(\a), 4);

Tdef(\a).set(\freq, 200, \dur, 0.1, \otto, 12, \ann, 1234);

f.mapToPdefGui(t, (5..8));


mapToNdefGui(gui, indices, lastIsVol) - map to an NdefGui.

gui the gui

indices which sliders to map to. default is [1, 2 .. 8]. 

lastIsVol flag whether the last slider becomes a volume control for that editor.

( // make an Ndef and its editor first

Spec.add(\harm, [2, 200, \exp]);

Ndef(\a, { |freq = 20, harm = 20, pan, amp, rate, rq, detune| Blip.ar(freq, harm) });

g = NdefGui(Ndef(\a), 8);

f.mapToNdefGui(g, (9..16));


mapToMixer(mixer, numVols, lastEdIsVol, lastIsMaster) map to a proxymixer. 

mixer is the mixer to map to. 

the left hand sliders (sliders 1 to splitIndex) are mapped to volumes;

the right hand sliders  map to the mixer.editGui parameters. 

lastIsMaster: if true, the rightmost control maps to server volume.

lastEdIsVol: if true, the last free slider on the right side is used for 

the edited proxy's volume.


Spec.add(\harm, [2, 200, \exp]);

Ndef(\a, { |freq = 20, harm = 20, pan, amp, rate, rq, detune| Blip.ar(freq, harm) });

10.do { |i| 

Ndef(("test" ++ i).asSymbol, { 

Pan2.ar(Ringz.ar(Impulse.ar(exprand(0.5, 4)), exprand(300, 3000), 0.02), 1.0.rand2, 0.2) 

}).play(vol: 0.2)



m = NdefMixer(s, 7);



f.mapToMixer(m, 7); 


// maybe add flags for mapping arScroller and paramGui.scroller as well?