MIDIKtl simple and flexible handling of mappings for midi controllers

MIDIKtl is an abstract class for representing specific midi controllers with subclasses,

such as the PFKtl, JSBKtl, NanoKtl, PDKtl, UC33Ktl, BCRKtl, FFLV2Ktl and more to come.

MIDIKtl subclasses are intended for simple mappings of controllers to JIT interfaces 

like ProxyMixer, NdefMixer, NodeProxyEditor, TdefAllGui, PdefAllGui, etc. 

A MIDIKtl subclass has a CCResponder that listens to an (optional) MIDI source uid, 

and keeps a dictionary for the actions to do when specific MIDI events 

from that source comes in. 

This is a little more efficient that CCResponder, as there is less matching

going on; and overwriting mappings automatically removes previous actions. 


PFKtl for the Doepfer PocketFader is the simplest class, which only has faders.

JSBKtl is a subclass for a custom made box with 8 XY joysticks.

NanoKtl for the Korg nanoControl has sliders, knobs, and buttons, and one can switch 

between 4 scenes, in which the controls send different sets of cc numbers.

Not updated for the new JITGuis yet: 

UC33Ktl is for the Evolution UC33 controller has sliders, knobs, and buttons, and one can switch 

between 4 scenes, in which the controls send different sets of cc numbers.

PDKtl for the Doepfer PocketDial has multiple scenes, and can switch modes 

between normal knobs (0 .. 127) and endless rotary knob action.

BCRKtl (made with Yvan Volonchine) for the Behringer BCR 2000 motor fader box 

supports updating the faders from SC.

FFLV2Ktl for the Faderfox LV2

If you'd like to make a MIDIKtl class for your controller, please see MIDIKtl_howTo.

Not finished yet:

MIDINKtl will also allow mapping actions to note messages.

Class Variables

*defaults a dictionary where each subclass stores clear controller element names 

and their midi information. 


MIDIKtl.defaults.keys; // currently supported 

Controllers without multiple scenes have a single-layer dictionary


Controllers with multiple scenes have a separate dictionary for each scene:


Class Methods


Every subclass of MIDIKtl should implement this method to add its dictionary to 

the global defaults. 

*new (srcID, ccDict)

make a new instance - only meaningful for subclasses of MIDIKtl.

srcID - The MIDI srcID to which to listen.

ccDict - a dict of mappings can be supplied at creation. 

Instance Variables

ccDict a dictionary of the mappings used.

ccresp the CCResponder that listen to the srcID.

ctlNames the names of all controller elements and their MIDI keys.

Instance Methods

mapCC (ctl, action)

map an action to a controller element - simple controller, single scene

ctl - a key present in ctlNames

action - the action to evaluate when that controller is used.

mapCCS (scene, ctl, action)

map an action to a controller element - multiple scenes

scene - for which scene to map the controller element

ctl - a key present in ctlNames

action - the action to evaluate when that controller is used.


free all resources: remove MIDIResponders, clear dicts.

// utility methods

makeCCKey (chan, cc) convert a cc message to a key

ccKeyToChanCtl (ccKey) convert a key to cc number and message

makeNoteKey (chan, note) convert a chan and note to a key

noteKeyToChanNote (noteKey) convert a key to chan and note